Адвокат Николай Пангев

protection of trade secret and the employment relationship

The protection of trade secret

PROTECTION OF TRADE SECRET AND THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP. The protection of trade secret is an institution that transposes European norms into the Bulgarian legislation with the adoption of the Trade Secret Protection Act (TSPA).[1] Pursuant

the principle of direct effect of the constitution.

The principle of direct effect

THE PRINCIPLE OF DIRECT EFFECT OF THE CONSTITUTION. The principle of direct effect of the Constitution is enshrined in the text of Art. 5, para. 2, according to which the provisions of the Constitution shall

non-compliance with the purpose of the law as a ground for revocation of administrative acts

Non-compliance with the purpose of the law

NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE LAW AS A GROUND FOR REVOCATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS. Non-compliance with the purpose of the law is a defect in the administrative acts and is ground for challenging them